Thursday, July 17, 2008

Free enemas at the waterpark

Life is going pretty good in Los Angeles. The weather is beautiful. I'm meeting some very fun and interesting people. I have a part time job and am interviewing for another job next week. And to top it off my weekends have only gotten better and better as the time goes on. Last weekend was no different.

I am living with my godmother's daughter and her husband. Last weekend her dad, brother and her brother's 3 kids came in to town from Wisconsin. We did some sightseeing and all that fun LA kind of stuff. You know the Hollywood sign, Venice Beach, Mann's Chinese Theater. It was a good time. Sunday the kids really wanted to go the Six Flags. Well because it was packed we ended up at the water park, Hurricane Harbor.

I hadn't been to a water park in almost ten years but I love the water, thrill rides and the sun so what better way to end a great weekend. We went on all the fun little water slides and we were having a great time.

Then as everyone was eating lunch me and Matt decided to quickly go on this water slide right by our table. It looked tame and the line was filled with little kids so I figured it would be a piece of cake. I decided to go first and wait for Matt at the bottom. Well being as I love water slides I gave myself a strong fast push down the slide and holy shit was that a bad idea.

First off the slide was enclosed, meaning it was pitch fucking black! I couldn't see a hand in front of my face, let alone a curve or dip in the slide. So I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty freaked out. Not only is it pitch fucking black but I'm gaining speed and fast. I have no idea which way is up and I was not having a good time. Finally I see a light at the end of the tunnel. No it wasn't heaven it was almost the complete opposite.

All of a sudden this huge rush of water engulfs me and I have water pouring into EVERY orifice of my body. And I mean EVERY orifice. If water could get in there, it made its way, to the point that I was fairly certain I just crapped myself at the end of this slide. Not only that but the bottoms of my bathing suit were crammed so far up the vajayjay and ass that I was pretty sure the world just got a free preview. So not only had a crapped myself but everyone was seeing what only a select few pay to see. I sit up and the first thing I do is pull my bottoms out. Then I frantically look around to make sure there aren't any doodies floating in the little pool lane. I stood up and still nothing. I assumed they were still in my bottoms which would have looked really attractive. So I slowly make my way out of the little pool and do a quick poop check. THANK GOD! I hadn't crapped myself. It just felt like I did, but now, even worse, I really, REALLY had to go. But I still had to wait for Matt.

So I begin to do a dance similar to those that four year olds do when they have to pee but really don't want to, except I had to poo cause I just had gallons of water up my anus that flushed everything out. Finally little Matty comes down the slide and has the same look of shock and awe as I had. He, too, experienced the similar feeling of water in places water had rarely or never been before. All in all it was an excellent ride.

The ride was pretty fun with the exception of the end. But thats life right? Fun but totally disappointed in the end...

Either way I got a free enema that day at Six Flags and really it was a good thing after all that anal sex from the night before...


Martinez said...

Waterslides and a free Enema, must have been your birthday.

Erin said...

I like your blog!
Write more!