Monday, June 30, 2008


I'm trying to be productive. My bank account is suffering greatly since I still have no source of income and have yet to resort to selling drugs or my body. I spend most of my time on Craigslist fighting my way through countless ads of people selling drugs and their bodies to find a job that might actually be willing to hire me. I've had some interviews and am waiting to hear back from three potential companies ranging from a talent agency to a small production house all the way up to Paramount Pictures.

You see wonderful studios like Paramount (which made one of my favorite movies, There Will Be Blood), and NBC Universal hire young, energetic, recent college graduates to shape and mold in their page program. You may be familiar with the world's most famous page (and my hero/boyfriend) Kenneth Parcell.

He's dreamy, I know. Kenneth is one of the wonderful characters from a little show called "30 Rock", which if you don't watch well you're lame, very lame. Kenneth's tasks vary from tour guide to coffee getter to helping Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey when they are in some disastrous crisis they are having trouble climbing out of. Though my position as a page would not be nearly as glamorous as Kenneth's, it could certainly lead to a lot of good things in years to come.

Last week I interviewed for Paramount's page program. I have no clue if I got it and for the first time in a long time am being a pessimist. But to be honest there were a lot of candidates and the decision is one I'm glad I don't have to make. Either way this interview has inspired me to look into other similar programs with hopes of one of them being the launch pad for my career. With Paramount 75% of their pages go on to work for them in some capacity or another after their time in the program.

However, I'm closely reaching the point that a job is a job. This is something I'm dreading but I can't sleep on a friend's couch forever and my bank account can not continue to take this abuse, or lack there off since you have to have money to spend it.

But with wondering if I should just get any old job or a job in my chosen field I'm left wondering: What Would Kenneth Parcell Do?

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